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Penang World Cleanup Day 2022 Leadership Workshop

Are you considering doing more than just participating as a volunteer?

We recruit leaders to further and better execute the plan and make sure the plan runs well. If you enjoy leading and driving things forward, join us as one of our LEADERS!

Throughout the 23 designated zones across Penang state (which includes both the mainland and the island), we need leaders for our action plan.

Spot Leader

A SPOT LEADER is an individual effort.

As a LEADER, one is: 

·        Compulsory to attend at least ONE (1) leadership workshop 

·        To recruit at least 20 volunteers for your cleanup spot

·        As a communication channel between the organizing team and your team members

·        Responsible for overseeing and managing the cleanup spot under your care

·        Responsible for collecting the cleanup data accurately on PWCD from all Spot Organisers and sending it to the Data Management team (REDO team) within the designated period

  • Spot Organiser

    A SPOT ORGANISER is an organisation/NGO/society/etc effort.

    As a Spot Organiser, one is:

    ·        Compulsory to attend at least ONE (1) leadership workshop

    ·        To research and decide the location to do cleanup

    ·        To recruit at least 20 volunteers for your zone cleanup

    ·        To communicate with volunteers which is under your care

    ·        To assist in taking some photos on WCU (we will provide you with a shared cloud folder on the day itself!)

    ·        To make sure your team members enjoy the activity together

    Leadership Workshop Details

    This leadership workshop is compulsory for Leaders and Spot Organisers to attend for a better and impactful Cleanup on 24 Sept 2022. 

    This leadership workshop aims to train leaders as we are going to share with you

  • How to lead a Sustainable Cleanup Operation & Methodology

  • How to be a Citizen Data Scientist

  • How to take good photos/videos during the cleanup using smartphone

  • Many more

  • Join The Leadership Workshop Now

    Past Leadership Workshop